Behavior Modification--It takes some time!

Behavior modification is quite a process, and when you're dealing with dangerous behavior from your dog, working with a qualified balanced training professional is your best bet to see real change in your dog. For many people the idea of leaving your dog for weeks with someone can be hard to digest, but in a lot of behavior modification situations it is truly the best way to see change. 

Your dog needs a total reboot--out of it's environment of bad behaviors, away from people who trigger emotional responses, and into a 24/7 life of structure, work, and intensive change. To change your dog's state of mind, we have to totally hit "restart" and build new behaviors in a new environment, so that your dog knows how to make different choices that he can apply to his MUCH more challenging home environment. Many dogs are stuck in a toxic cycle of behavior at home, and the best thing we as owners can do is "let them go for a while" so that a professional can give them what they need. 

Think about why drug and alcohol rehab happens somewhere else, for many weeks, with qualified professionals--because the patterns of everyday life play into addiction--just as they do to your dog's aggressive/anxious/fearful behavior. AND the key to continued success is the at home program that is strictly applied to. We are only as successful as the efforts put in afterwards :)

If you are looking for help in the Orlando area, please visit my website If you're elsewhere and need help, feel free to write in the comments below--I have amazing colleagues changing lives all over the country :)